Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This is hard!!

This little girl's tough! Petting is easy..... training is a different story! Training is hard when it comes to cows and calf's! I never knew it was this hard. Right now its hardest! Then it will be hard. Then it will be easy!


  1. I miss you & your family already, Ester. Now that we are both blogging, though, we can 'talk' by commenting to each other. Maxine's lookin' great!


  2. hi Esther - If you think training a calf is hard, wait till you try to train a child!!
    Love you lots, Grampie

  3. Hi Esther, its Sommar! Your cow is beautiful! Her name is beautiful too! See you soon! I am going to start a blog soon too!

  4. Hi Esther! I love your blog. Especially the part about how it's hardest now, then it will be hard, then it will be easy. I like that! Aunt Stephanie
